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The juggling myths · We are back here one more time. Talking about, among other things, full-stack software engineering and tech stacks. An elaboration...
A kick start on 'go for launch'. · Deployment day, and it's Django. Where to start. We got a server we can SSH into, we got our code and endpoints - if...
Guides to a healthy developer lifestyle · A moment of reflection dear dev, dear engineer, and dear LANister. A brief reminder that yes, we are here, and...
A post or so ago, as a follow up to A Dive into Python Implementation, we had a discussion on the differences between multi-threading and...
You read it right. It's all about implementation. Today, we will talk about the different implementations of Python. A heads up on the different...
You Ain't Gonna Need It · If you don't know about it, then you don't need it. Seriously, you don't. In the last share about The Future of the terminal, I...